
Showing posts from July, 2017


THE WANNACRY ATTACK – WHAT HAPPENED? Let’s go back to Friday May 12th, news of a new ransomware attacking computers from Europe, Asia and America and other continents. The malicious program, named WannaCry infected hundreds of computers in nearly 100 countries, making it one of the most destructive cyberattacks in history. The speed at which WannaCry has spread and the severity of this type of malware illustrates the vital need for all companies to employ the right data recovery services to protect critical data. With the right data backup services, even if your company network is attacked, valuable data will be protected. WHAT IS WANNACRY? WannaCry is a ransomware program that was used to attack unprotected computers throughout the world. It was originally discovered as it began ransoming several hospital computer networks in Europe, bringing operations to a standstill until data recovery services could be utilized to resume control of these healthcare sys


COMMON TYPES OF NETWORK & COMPUTER ATTACKS Without security measures and controls in place, your data might be subjected to an attack. Some attacks are passive, meaning information is monitored; others are active, meaning the information is altered with intent to corrupt or destroy the data or the network itself. Your networks and data are vulnerable to any of the following types of attacks if you do not have a security plan in place. EAVESDROPPING In general, the majority of network communications occur in an unsecured or "cleartext" format, which allows an attacker who has gained access to data paths in your network to "listen in" or interpret (read) the traffic. When an attacker is eavesdropping on your communications, it is referred to as sniffing or snooping. The ability of an eavesdropper to monitor the network is generally the biggest security problem that administrators face in an enterprise. Without strong encryption services th