
Showing posts from January, 2019


6 BAD HABITS THAT ARE DESTROYING YOUR PC 1.     LEAVING YOUR LAPTOP ON A PLUSH SURFACE (AND OTHER OVERHEATING PROBLEMS) Heat is your computer’s mortal enemy. If your computer gets too hot, it can reduce the lifespan of the hardware inside, like your processor, fans, and battery not to mention make your computer loud and sizzling to the touch. For desktop computers, the solution is pretty simple: Just clean out the dust once in a while with some compressed air and keep it out of any small cabinets. You want air to flow freely through your computer, not to get trapped in a tight space. You can also prevent dust by keeping your computer off the ground and putting filters on your intake fans. Laptops, on the other hand, require a bit more care. Their portability leads to a lot of bad habits, like putting them on blankets or other plush surfaces. This blocks airflow underneath (where the rubber feet would raise it off a desk) and potentially through the laptop (when the