Friday, November 11, 2016



Can I use an AMD fan on an Intel socket or vice-versa? No! AMD and Intel sockets are incompatible with each other when it comes to size, mounting points, and contact areas. However, there is one major exception to this - many fans nowadays are 'Universally Compatible' with many sockets. What that means is that the fans come with mounting hardware that is compatible with various sockets across the Intel & AMD lines. One famous model that has mounting hardware for both manufacturers is the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo.



Most heatsinks for processor cooling are made of copper, aluminium, or a mixture of both. Copper is the better conductor of the two and more expensive.


Most people find it easier to replace the entire cooler (re-apply thermal paste) because it's much simpler to do so. However, heat-sinks don't really have movable parts that fail - meaning that replacing just the fan component of the CPU heat-sink fan bundle is all you really need to do. To make sure you do it right though, get the exact measurements of the fan and make sure the replacement model you buy aligns in exactly the same contact points.


Installing a heat-sink isn't all that tough a job (most of the time), it's best to take your time and make sure you're doing it right. After all, we don't want to fry that nice new processor you've been aching to try out, now do we? Ah, how many times have I heard someone who has toasted their CPU, just because they didn't take the time to check if the heat-sink was properly installed. So, the number one rule is to do a practice run and make sure you have good contact between the heat-sink and CPU. I may be getting a little ahead of myself. Let's start with the basic tools and materials we'll need:


Thermal grease

Screwdriver with a wide flat blade (non-magnetic is preferred!)

Anti-Static grounding strap

Isopropyl Alcohol (high quality please)

Cotton swabs and lint free tissue paper (lenses cleaner, coffee filters...)

A straight edge razer or equivalent

Mineral Spirits (or a suitable solvent of your choosing. I also like Goof Off)

CPU (of course!) 

A lot of Patience!

STEP ONE: clean the CPU and heat-sink. clean CPU and new heatsink (don’t forget to clean old and keep it in a safe place) using a solvent like Isopropyl Alcohol and especially if you're cleaning off old thermal compound. I use a cotton swab or que tips to clean both the bottom of the heatsink and the CPU. We only need to clean the CPU core itself. It's unnecessary to clean anywhere else on the chip, since it won't be contacting the heatsink. After I clean up with the solvent, I finish cleaning with Isopropyl Alcohol. I use a lint free tissue for this job, and clean both the heatsink bottom and CPU core again. Just let that dry off before going to the next step.

STEP TWO: Now that we have a nice clean heatsink and CPU core, we can get our thermal grease ready for application. Put a small amount on the blade, and smooth this over the surface of the CPU core. Try to get a nice thin and even application on the core. It's going to be thin enough to just cover the core so I can't see it, but not so much grease that it's going to gush all over once I press the heatsink down onto the core. The grease is used to fill in the tiny gaps between the surface of the heatsink and the CPU core.

STEP THREE: time to put the heatsink on. Most heatsinks have a conventional metal clip, it has a front side and a back side. It's very important to identify the front and back as this is crucial to getting a level seat on the CPU core. I can identify the front of the heatsink in two ways. Most heatsinks will have one side of the bottom that is notched out or recessed. This is to clear the raised plastic header on the front of the socket. Another way to identify the front end of the heatsink is by the clip itself. In many cases, the clip will have a swivel hook, thumb depressor, or notch for a screw driver. In contrast, the back end of the clip will just be a plain old hook. As mentioned above, some clips are designed so that they can be depressed using your fingers, in other cases it might be necessary to use a screwdriver.

STEP FOUR: Now that I am sure which end of the heatsink goes to the front of the socket. First, attach the back end of the clip on to the back middle tab of the socket A. In order to do this, I have to tilt the heatsink back on an angle so that the clip will hook around the plastic tab. Once it's hooked, I can slowly and firmly push down on the heatsink until it is flat with the CPU core. Being right handed, I use my left hand to hold the heatsink in place for the next bit. Taking my flat head screw driver*, I place it in the notch on the front clip and push down until it hooks on the front plastic tab. I'm extra careful in doing this as it requires some force to push the clip down and on to the plastic tab. It's important the the screw driver is firmly seated in the metal tab so it won't slip out.

* - Tip: To avoid damage to your motherboard. Customers have suggested taping a piece of cardboard or like material to the motherboard so if the screw driver slips it will help to prevent damage.

STEP FIVE: make a double check on the CPU, heatsink, cable connectors and MoBo as well and it seems to be firmly attached. Remember to connect your fan to power.

STEP SIX: always, always and ALWAYS when you make some important changes to your PC; test it before back in original place. What do I mean? Leave the CASE/CPU opened and turn it on. There is something always that you may have to check and fix it. Like cables, wires, connectors, some “new internal noises” and others. 

Once you are properly sure and everything is working fine, close the machine, move it to the original place where it belongs and finally enjoy your upgrade.

And just remember the FAN ORIENTATION inside the CPU. if this does not meet the requirements, check again your setup and computer in general.

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