Tuesday, November 29, 2016



WHAT DOES IT MEAN: was coined by Ellen Davis and was first used within the ecommerce community during the 2005 holiday season. The term was coined based on 2004 research showing "one of the biggest online shopping days of the year" was the Monday after Thanksgiving. " Cyber Monday grew out of the observation that millions of otherwise productive working north Americans (US people), fresh off a Thanksgiving weekend of window shopping, using high-speed Internet connections at work Monday and buying what they liked."

The term "Cyber Monday" was created by marketing companies to persuade people to shop online. "77 percent of online retailers said that their sales increased substantially on the Monday after Thanksgiving, a trend that is driving serious online discounts and promotions on Cyber Monday this year (2005)".

In 2015, Cyber Monday online sales grew to a record $2.98 billion, compared with $2.65 billion in 2014. However, the average order value was $128, down slightly from 2014's $160.

The deals on Cyber Monday are online only and generally offered by smaller retailers that cannot compete with the big retailers. Black Friday generally offers better deals on technology, with nearly 85% more data storage deals than Cyber Monday.

Cyber Monday has become an international marketing term used by online retailers across the world.


  • AMERICAS: Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia
  • ASIA: India, Japan
  • EUROPE: France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, United Kingdom
  • OCEANIA: Australia, New Zealand



  • If you’re planning to buy some electronics for your house and office or both, organize and priories what you need and wait on this day. There are really good offers and prices blow out
  • Don’t wait until the cyber Monday arrives. Why? We aware of prices and at least 2 weeks before keep browsing and watching prices and discounts offered by different sellers and providers. There are no real rebates with some sellers.
  • Plan what items you are going to buy: like 2 hard drives and some connectors, some specific brand and model of gadget like TV, stereo, memory, etc.
  • Look for more online shops: Amazon, Newegg, Tigerdirect, Alibaba, and others
  • Another useful tips: on Cyber Monday is the weekend after Black Friday, always consider that the past 3 days are for buying and crazy offers in all stores worldwide… consider yourself a properly time to receive and buy your items. What I mean? In regular days will take from 3-7 days to arrive, on cyber Monday purchases will take more time to get it may be from 10-15 days.

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